e enjte, 26 korrik 2007

Franken Lies

Here is part of an answer to an interview that appears on Al's website.

"I tell this story about my son. Remember when the Vikes lost like 43-nothing in a playoff game against the Giants? I hate to remind everybody. So, on the Friday, my son Joe goes to school with a Chris Carter jersey on and takes all kinds of crap, of course, from his friends, but he’s — you know — a Vikings fan. So we lose 43-nothing and on Monday, he goes back to school with his Chris Carter jersey, because he’s a Minnesotan. We’re big Twins fans, too"

Except that when he went to the Twins game to do a little meet and greet and have a treat for his interns, he left at like the 5th inning. Big Twins fan my ass.


"Budgeteer: So did you just miss Minnesota because it was home, or were you thinking politically?
Franken: Kind of both. I had always considered moving back."

Ugh. At least he admits he moved back partly to be a Senator but you know what, being honest doesn't help the fact that he moved back partly to run for Senate. To say he moved back because he misses his home is silly to me, he only lived here for like 13 years when he was growing up, I really don't see how he could have that much of an attachment after living somewhere else for 30 years. Comparing 30 years of adult life in one place and raising kids there to 13 years of being a kid and calling the 13 year place home is absurd and a lie. Is his wife even from MN? They met in college so I am doubting it.

He does his best to distance himself from NYC, "I’m very embarrassed; I cannot tell you what’s on Broadway. Matter of fact, I can’t tell you what’s been on Broadway for the past 30 years. " Well duh you're straight. Very few straight guys could tell you what was on Broadway, even if they lived in NYC.

I just don't find anything he says genuine. He is not from Minnesota and should not be running for the US Senate. If he were not a celebrity, everyone would be saying, who the hell is Al Franken and why is he running for the Senate in MY state. Go home and let a real Minnesotan win this fight against Coleman, we are quite capable of taking on Republicans as slick as Norm you know. Don't need the help from some big celebrity from NYC, we got it under control.

God Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer better run. If he doesnt, I dont know what to do because Mike Ciresi bugs me due his wishy-washiness with abiding by the DFL endorsement and I refuse to work for a self-funder.

e mërkurë, 25 korrik 2007

Coleman's Approval Ratings


Disapproval 48%, Approval 43%. This is the first time that Coleman's approval is lower than his disapproval.

This makes me quite optimistic about the Senate race. It makes me think that maybe Franken can win it. I have little to no doubt any of the other candidates have the ability to win but Franken is the most worrisome to me and well, with approval ratings like this, Franken can do it. Granted, Franken probably has worse approval ratings....

e hënë, 23 korrik 2007

Swing State Project

The Swing State Project (which can be found in my Blogroll) posed the question, how do you list the vulnerable races. Minnesota ranks anywhere from fourth to seventh in every list except for the one guy who gave it an 8.

8. Minnesota. If Al Franken would just get over his egotism and step out of the way, this one would rank much higher. Coleman is a savvy politician, slick as they come, and can easily tag Franken with any number of his previous on-air statements, branding him as "too liberal" for the mainstream. I know that Franken, having been a friend of Wellstone's, wants revenge. From an emotional standpoint, I completely understand that . . . but, logically, it's just a bad idea for Franken to run. Sigh.

4. MN: I agree with the comment about Franken, and about Coleman's savviness, but this state is just trending too blue, and the climate is just too bad for Republicans.

Minnesota-(Coleman)- Minnesota is a Democratic leaning state. Coleman is a weak incumbent due to the fact he narrowly won his last Senate Race. Franken and Ciresi are benifitting from Bush's unpopularity. This race is unpredictable.

4. Minnesota- Al Franken is fundraising well and I think will be the Democratic nominee. He also has personal wealth he can spend. If the political enviroment is bad in Minnesota in 2008 Coleman will be in even more trouble.

5)Minnesota- State leans Democratic. The Republican Incumbent is a freshman that narrowly won the last time around.

6. Minnesota. Lets see how Franken handles himself. So far I'm impressed, but are the voters?

My own personal list puts Minnesota definitely in this range. I am quite pessimistic and believe us to be more towards the seventh than the fourth, mainly for the same reasons as the guy who ranked us eighth. Franken has zero business being in the Senate race. He is a great guy, can do a lot for our party and I think he would be a good Senator but I don’t see any compelling reason for why he should be Minnesota’s Senator.

I really hope that he doesn’t scare anyone from the large amounts of money he is raising. The day we choose someone to represent us in an election because of the money they are raising is a very sad day. He can bring in the early money but any other candidate can rake in the dough once they are our torch-bearer. I know I spend a lot of my posts hating on Franken but I just can’t understand how anyone can really believe he should be our candidate. It is so obvious that he is nothing but a carpet bagger. We have amazing DFL’ers here in this state, they are the ones who should be taking out Norm, not some NYC’er.

e martë, 17 korrik 2007

I love Walz

As reported by cqpolitics.com

"Freshman Democrats will be looking to an unlikely ally for help in the coming weeks: President Bush.

Rep. Tim Walz of Minnesota said there is growing consensus among freshmen to join forces with the president on reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind education law (PL 110-107).
Walz, a former high school teacher, said all 42 freshman Democrats were elected by voters who would like to see more bipartisan cooperation. Like Bush, the freshmen back accountability requirements and want to ensure that standards are properly administered, according to Walz.
But Democratic leaders insist that a reauthorization be accompanied by increased education funding. Walz and his first-year colleagues would like to work out a compromise.

“There’s a movement and a commitment to make this better, not scrap it. This is one that all the freshmen feel very strongly about,” Walz said."

I am glad he is doing this. He represents a swing district that we can hope goes Democrat in the presidential election (it probably will) and I think Walz showing his bipartisan creds considering some bloggers (MDE) feel the need to attack Walz constantly for voting like a Democrat.

e premte, 13 korrik 2007

Bob Olson to Switch to CD-6 Race?

The article is interesting, particularly that the DCCC is tapping Olson.

Bob Olson is quite possibly one of the worst speakers I've ever heard. He had no fire, no energy, he didn't connect with the audience (which was a bunch of college students), I was just bored. Thank god he only spoke for 5 minutes.

If he runs for the House and gets the nomination, I'm not even going to bother driving home to vote against Bachmann, I'll register to vote in St Paul so I don't have to get up at 5 am like I did in 2006.

Honestly, Olson wants to raise $20,000 for the entire Senate DFL nomination, hell, that probably isn't even good enough for district 6. Will he lower it to $5,000 for a congressional run?

I know the DCCC doesn't really like to get into primaries and just encourages people they think are good candidates to run but I really am a fan of kicking out the not so good candidates and getting the one candidate who can win through the nomination perfectly and get them to that general election. They can focus their money, they get all the press, it is much easier to unite the party behind one person a year and a half in advance than have everyone working against eachother (in a friendly manner mind you) and then joining together for a 6 month spring to the finish line.

Bob Olson.... great ideas, wish he knew how to put them together in an interesting speech. I really love that he is such a huge environmentalist and Bachmann being a mother earth hater (think of the endangered otters!) but I could just imagine the debate. Bachmann being passionate and really getting people to listen, raising her voice when needed, calming it down to emphasize points. Then there goes monotone Olson and the audience passes out.

If you can't do public speaking, then you shouldn't be a politician.

e mërkurë, 11 korrik 2007

I was watching C-Span Today

And both C-Span 1 and 2 had great things going on.

On the House, they were discussing the College Cost Reduction Act of 2007.

As a college student, I was very interested in this. I find it is so unacceptable that so many people are unable to go to college because they simple can't afford it. My one friend had a 3.95 GPA and was an Astrophysics major and had to stop attending college because she couldn't afford it. I think that is disgusting, especially since her major is something that will add so much to our country.

I listened to some of the debate and this particular Congresswoman from North Carolina, Virginia Foxx pissed me off. I know this is a Minnesota blog but when such Republicans say things so irrational and disgusting, I'm allowed to branch out. She equated this bill, a bill to help people go to college, with welfare. Disgusting, especially since she meant welfare in a negative way. Not being able to afford to go to college and asking for help is not welfare. The U costs $20,000 a year, times that by 4 and voila, you owe the bank $80,000. You give me a college student who can afford that. Most people are lucky to have parents that will cosign loans and help them pay for them but some, like my friend, she can't get loans because she is too young for the bank to trust her.

Welfare is a program for people who are in quite the pickle and can't afford to live and need help. The program has its flaws of course, people abuse it but I really feel nearly everyone who hates welfare doesn't know enough about it. I can't wait to do this program next semester where I get to learn about being poor in the Twin Cities. I get to see firsthand these welfare programs and see that they do indeed help millions of people. All the Republicans ever focus on are the negatives and the people who abuse it while dismissing the millions of people who desperately need it. People make mistakes in their lives and need government help, Republicans are just downright heartless and greedy jerks who would rather have the poor dying in the street then have their tax dollars go to help them. (That is quite an overstatement but that is how it seems sometimes, especially with Congresswoman Foxx).

If people actually tried living on Welfare and Food Stamps, they would really have such a higher respect for the people who use these programs. Basically, the people who hate these programs are people who have probably never even conversed with a person on Welfare, have never tried to understand these people, they are people who are ignorant and don't care to educate themselves about what it is actually like to not be able to live off your own salary.

This act is not welfare. We expect people to go to college. We need people to go college and for us to say only the rich can go is so un-American. The act has some welfare like aspects but the connotation of welfare is that someone made a mistake in their life and now need assistance, helping people who are 18 go to college, people whose financial situation sits solely on their parents, is necessary if we are to ever move forward as a country.

Ramstad voted for this act as did all the Democrats, while Bachmann and Kline clearly don't like college students. I really hope Bachmann comes back to my university next year like she did this past year so I can grill her on this vote. Dispicable, she has no business ever showing her face at a college or university. The act passed 273-149 with all Democrats plus 47 Republicans voting for it. It really is votes like that make me despise Republican philosophy. It is such a heartless, selfish, rich person only philosophy. It makes me wonder why anyone who doesn't make over $100,000 a year would ever vote for them.

On C-Span 2, they were debating Iraq. They had just taken a vote on Sen. Webb's amendment saying that soldiers get to be at home for as long as their last tour of duty before going back to Iraq (ie, real breaks before being redeployed). It was filibustered 56-41 and Coleman was one of the few Republicans to vote to bring the amendment to a vote.

If he continues voting this way, he may be able to pull off a win in 2008. It will be a close squeaker of an election most likely, Minnesotans have Republican fatigue like no other but I dunno, the man is a fantastic politican and I mean politician in the bad connotation, slimy, lying, conniving, smiling. I am personally very skepticle about our abilities to win this seat, I don't care how much money Franken wins, he has a big mouth still. It's not that he said things in the past, its that he still says things he shouldn't, such as that we need to defund the troops. That is a fantastic Republican attack ad in the making.

e hënë, 9 korrik 2007

Minnesota May Lose a Congressional District

My opinion, keep the 8th pretty close to what it is, put St Cloud back into the 7th to make it more Democrat, leave the 1st alone as much as possible, keep Minneapolis and St. Paul in two seperate districts because I like having two sure DFL districts. And then combine the 3rd, 2nd, and 6th as much as possible. Especially the 2nd and 6th, they have very similar interests, have similar constituents and similar extreme conservatives holding the seat. I'd pray Kline would get the GOP nomination if it came to him and Bachmann.

Although, I'd throw Washington county in the 4th, it's nearly a blue county and if we have to add more population to the 4th, throw that county in there. Oh man, Bachmann vs McCollum, wouldn't that just be beautiful!

However, combining a lot of the 2nd and 6th would make one ridiculous gerrymandered district and they'd have to tamper with the 3rd somewhat and I think the 3rd is very well represented and the constituents are all very similar.

The 2nd and 6th would be extremely conservative and Republican, it would it a very boring district for us DFL'ers but maybe adding St Cloud to the 7th will make the district a bit more competitive when Peterson retires. When he does, that seat is almost as good as gone (It's the most Republican district in MN).

Guess we have some time to attract people to MN and ensure we don't lose a CD. Plus, the other states we are competiting with to not lose a district are in the South, definitely give them less representation and less electoral votes!