The article is interesting, particularly that the DCCC is tapping Olson.
Bob Olson is quite possibly one of the worst speakers I've ever heard. He had no fire, no energy, he didn't connect with the audience (which was a bunch of college students), I was just bored. Thank god he only spoke for 5 minutes.
If he runs for the House and gets the nomination, I'm not even going to bother driving home to vote against Bachmann, I'll register to vote in St Paul so I don't have to get up at 5 am like I did in 2006.
Honestly, Olson wants to raise $20,000 for the entire Senate DFL nomination, hell, that probably isn't even good enough for district 6. Will he lower it to $5,000 for a congressional run?
I know the DCCC doesn't really like to get into primaries and just encourages people they think are good candidates to run but I really am a fan of kicking out the not so good candidates and getting the one candidate who can win through the nomination perfectly and get them to that general election. They can focus their money, they get all the press, it is much easier to unite the party behind one person a year and a half in advance than have everyone working against eachother (in a friendly manner mind you) and then joining together for a 6 month spring to the finish line.
Bob Olson.... great ideas, wish he knew how to put them together in an interesting speech. I really love that he is such a huge environmentalist and Bachmann being a mother earth hater (think of the endangered otters!) but I could just imagine the debate. Bachmann being passionate and really getting people to listen, raising her voice when needed, calming it down to emphasize points. Then there goes monotone Olson and the audience passes out.
If you can't do public speaking, then you shouldn't be a politician.
e premte, 13 korrik 2007
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