e hënë, 9 korrik 2007

Franken Out Raises Coleman

Franken raises 1.9 million, very very impressive. Franken enjoys the most name recognition, probably even better that Coleman (the negatives are pretty bad though along with that).

Statistics I like about his fundraising, he only recieved $5,500 from PAC's, $5000 being from Sen. Durbin's PAC and the other $500 was from an Allied Workers Association. Last quarter, Coleman got nearly a third of his money from PAC's meaning he is a tool for big money interests. I really hope Franken never succumbs to recieving PAC money because once the race gets going and it becomes apparent he is a real threat to Coleman, the PAC's may come a spending.

Other notable things is that in Franke's first quarter, he raised 1.3 million. He only was able to raise money for about half of that quarter and as Minnesota Democrats Exposed points, if he were to keep pace, then he should've raised 2.6 million this quarter. But alas, the first quarter was probably dominated by people who knew him as a comedian, not as a real contender for the US Senate so that 1.3 million is inflated with people who donated because he was Al Franken, not because he was running against Norm Coleman.

I'm still not supporting Franken. Raising money is incredibly important, especially if you can outspend your opponent but man, why can't we have a real Minnesotan running that is able to raise this kind of money and have such broad name recognition. I really hope Jack NP officially decides to run, my broke college student self would even consider donating money to him on top of the numerous hours I'll spend campaigning.

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